How Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care helps with Fertility/Pregnancy
Acupuncture and chiropractic care are non-invasive and very affordable methods to optimize fertility, reduce stress within the body and nervous system which might be at the root of infertility.
In addition to reducing stress and increasing blood flow to reproductive organs, acupuncture can also balance the body’s hormonal balance to enhance fertility.
Pregnancy and chiropractic care are related since the spine extends to the female reproductive system through nerves. A blocked or pinched nerve can cause spinal misalignment. When the nerves involved with the reproductive system are blocked or not functioning properly, it can lead to hormone imbalances and other conditions that may hinder fertility.
How Acupuncture and Chiropractic can help:
Fertility/Pregnancy is one of our specialties. We work with you to find the right combination of chiropractic and acupuncture treatments so that you can optimize your fertility and enjoy your pregnancy through all its stages.
Our treatments can help with:
- Improved ovarian and follicular function
- Increased blood flow to the endometrium, facilitating thick, rich linings
- An under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism) or hyperactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
- Nausea and vomiting
- Anxiety and stress
- Constipation
- Swelling and heaviness in the legs
- Reduce lower back pain, neck pain, and joint pain, sciatic pain, abdominal and pelvic pain
- Breech presentation
- Faster recovery time
Acupuncture Research for Fertility/Pregnancy:
"I started receiving acupuncture sessions at Huang Wellness Center after I learned I had low-lying placenta in my 23rd week of pregnancy, which can become placenta previa. The condition is very common, especially among women over 35, and normally corrects itself as the baby grows. However, if it doesn't, a c-section would be required for safe delivery. In conventional medicine, there's no treatment. My husband and I both wanted a natural birth, so we opted for this alternative solution. Dr. Ian Huang is friendly, professional, respectful, holistic, and thoughtful in his approach. He also has a calming presence, which I think helps. He provided acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and qigong exercise instruction. By the 28th week, my placenta was slowly moving up, but was still low, so I continued the sessions, the qigong, herbs, as well as his dietary recommendations. By the 32nd week, my OB showed that my placenta went up further and confirmed that it was not a problem anymore. This was again confirmed in my 36th week ultrasound. Both I and my husband are so grateful for Dr. Huang and could not recommend his practice enough!"
E. S.